Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bad Economy in Virginia? Quickly Reduce Advertising Costs and Gain More Customers

It's pretty apparent, the dire economic situation across the nation is being felt by local and regional businesses here in the Washington DC metropolitan region and Northern Virginia. As business owners ourselves, the signs are everywhere - slowing invoice payments and accumulating accounts receivables from service partners, the tremendous uptick in part-time job seekers on Craigslist (a recent job opportunity we posted solicited hundreds of responses in the first hour), local retail business closings or significant price reductions, and significant slowing of customer interest and traffic from "traditional" advertising (i.e. newspapers, magazines, flyers).

For all local businesses, it's time to seriously re-allocate precious marketing and advertising budget - and focus hard on the Internet and the search engines (like Google and Yahoo) that are ubiquitous features of daily family life.

Here's more about online marketing in a bad economy - from this region's premiere Internet Marketing and Social Media Engineering Firm, KME Internet Marketing.



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