Sunday, February 10, 2008

Looking for a DC-based IT job?

The government IT consulting sector around the Washington, DC metro region is still fairly unencumbered by the economy decline, thankfully, due mostly to the continuing spend plans coming out of Washington. But it's always a good idea to keep your IT or technical resume completely up to date, keep your networking going strong (like using LinkedIn and contributing to professional forums, blogs and social media discussions), monitoring the job market for new skills and opportunities, and "practicing" a little on the side (i.e. getting new certifications, learning new skills, maintaining a "hobby" in another technical discipline).

Here's a link to 6 very current and critical IT consulting positions recently listed with a reputable employer we know - on a site that offers technical resume upkeep as well...

Technical Resumes and DC IT Jobs

Also, if you've got a reasonable technical/Internet-based professional background, and would like to get into the Internet Marketing/SEO business - we're looking for a few good professionals to help grow the business, at KME Internet Marketing (contact us through that site).



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