Dulles South Youth Sports Community - May 2 Hanson Park Info Session
(Reprinted from DSYS newsletter)
To the Dulles South Youth Sports Community —
An important planning event that impacts DSYS is fast approaching, and DSYS needs a loud voice to ensure appropriate facilities are available for our athletes. DSYS representatives will be there, but the more, the louder, the better. The third and final design workshop for the Hal and Bernie Hanson Regional Park is scheduled for this Wednesday May 2nd from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Briar Woods High School, 22525 Belmont Ridge Road, Ashburn.
Hanson Park is a multi-use facility planned on a 257-acre parcel on Evergreen Mills Road, at the western-most edges of Brambleton. This park will be THE first-class sports and recreation site for the Dulles South area, on the same order as Claude Moore Park in Sterling and the recently-opened Phillip Bolen Park outside Leesburg. The plans for this park are important for the Dulles South community in general, but of particular importance to the Dulles South Youth Sports families as park planning impacts the sports offerings for our children.
DSYS representation at the May 2 workshop is critical given the shortage of fields, especially given the continued growth of the league. Our growth will continue to outpace new field construction for some time to come, so it is extremely important that our county officials understand the importance decisions made about Hanson Park are to DSYS families.
The workshop will include a presentation of the preferred design concepts based on input from the first two workshops, and will provide an opportunity for additional public input. DSYS urges you to attend this session and voice your support for facilities that benefit DSYS families. Below is a brief explanation of how the design of Hanson Park could benefit DSYS athletes and families.
We look forward to seeing you and hearing you at the workshop this week.
~ The Dulles South Youth Sports Board
Our outdoor sports, such as Football, Cheerleading, Track and Field and Cross Country, can benefit greatly from additional park facilities as follows:
• Rectangular fields / Turf surface: DSYS is taking steps for 2012 to ensure our athletes play and cheer at the high quality turf facility at John Champe HS, but believe the long term solution to address field shortage and field overuse is to leverage additional artificial turf playing surfaces in the Dulles South area. For perspective, turf fields cost Fairfax County on average $600,000 to $800,000. DSYS Football and Cheer would be able to pay for 1/3 – 1/2 of a Turf field in 5 years, at current Loudoun County Public School lease rates. Additional resources, such as might be constructed at Hanson Park, could give DSYS more, and perhaps more affordable, options for playing surfaces.
• Families north of Route 50: DSYS serves the families north of Route 50, as well as south. As this area expands in number of homes, and to serve the continued growth of the Brambleton area, facilities in this part of DSYS will help the league serve our entire area with premier sports facilities. For example, our quickly expanding Track & Field and Cross Country programs are limited by the availability of appropriate courses and tracks for the exploding number of participants from both north and south of Rt 50.
• Collateral facilities that benefit youth sports:
o Permanent and convenient restroom facilities
o Lights to extend and maximize field use
o Bleachers and more space for spectators
o On site equipment storage capabilities
o Concessions capable building near fields (running water and electricity) – concessions are the #1 fundraising income contributor for all athletics, all levels. Income from concessions could defray participant fees.
• Turf surfaces in general: Turf, as opposed to traditional grass, increases safety for athletes:
o 74% Fewer Muscle Tears
o 42% Lower ACL Trauma
o 32% Fewer Ligament Tears
o 22% Fewer Severe Injuries
o 19% Fewer Substantial Injuries
o 12% Fewer Concussions
o 10% Less Injury From Shoe Surface Interaction during Contact
o 8% Less Injury From Shoe Surface Interaction during Non-Contact
o 7% Fewer Total Injuries
Labels: dsys, dulles south, dulles south sports, loudoun sports